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Hormoneia is a game that helps young people to understand their bodies and equips teachers with the knowledge and skills to better educate everyone about menstrual health.

What we did:

  • Big Change funded Holly Bazley as a finalist in our Big Education Challenge in 2023.
  • Through participating in the learning and support programme, Holly developed her knowledge on building partnerships within the education sector which helped to increase the reach of her educational initiatives.
  • The big vision is to create an engaging and interactive tool that can be accessed by not only schools but also educators, charities, and parents across the UK.

The Spark

It is important to ensure that all young people have access to accurate information about their bodies and reproductive health.

Research from the Sex Education Forum shows that 61% of young people receive insufficient or no menstruation education. There is a significant lack of comprehensive and engaging education around hormones, puberty, and periods for young people.

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1 in 4 teachers do not feel comfortable teaching the menstrual cycle, and few receive any training on how to provide this education. By providing teachers with comprehensive menstrual health education and training, we can empower them to play a more active role in supporting their students’ reproductive health.

Holly Bazley
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of young people receive insufficient or no menstruation education

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1 in 4

teachers do not feel comfortable teaching the menstrual cycle

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of comprehensive and engaging education around hormones, puberty, and periods for young people

The impact

With funding and tailored support from Big Change, Holly was able to test and develop Hormoneia.

Hormoneia seeks to demystify period and hormone education and improve the way students communicate about subjects that are traditionally taboo. By gamifying the experience of learning about their bodies, young people find the information more approachable and enjoyable to learn. Workshops equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to better educate their young people about menstrual health.

The big vision is to create an engaging and interactive tool that can be accessed by not only schools but also educators, charities, and parents across the UK and beyond to educate and empower individuals about their bodies and hormonal changes.

Through participating in the learning and support programme, Holly developed her knowledge on building partnerships within the education sector which helped to increase the reach of her educational initiatives. She also developed her capacity and strength as a leader.

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I learnt techniques to become a better leader by enhancing my resilience and ability to navigate uncertainties in our project's development.

Holly Bazley

The Big Changemaker

Holly Bazley

Holly invents board games that support students' understanding of science and is the founder of Hybrid Games Board Game Learning.

She struggled at school due to dyslexia and ADHD—finding it difficult to keep up with her peers and found the nature of teaching through reading and writing particularly difficult to understand. She discovered that by playing board games at home, she was able to learn the science and maths concepts she required for school.

Holly is an advocate for neurodiversity and is using games as a tool to encourage confidence and help people with learning difficulties realise their full potential

Help us support all young people, regardless of their background or circumstances, to thrive in life. Together we can spark lasting change.

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